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Home / News / Industry News / How to avoid problems such as deformation, pilling or fading of the curled floral print double bed flannel print blanket?

How to avoid problems such as deformation, pilling or fading of the curled floral print double bed flannel print blanket?

To avoid problems such as deformation, pilling, or fading of your curly floral print double bed flannel print blanket, you can take the following steps:
Proper cleaning and maintenance:
Cleaning your blanket regularly to avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt will reduce the likelihood of pilling and fading. Choose a mild cleaner and follow cleaning instructions, avoiding those containing bleach or strong acidic ingredients.
Pay attention to the correct cleaning method and temperature, and avoid overheating or over-stirring, which can cause the blanket to deform.
Avoid friction and wear:
Try to avoid friction and wear, and avoid rubbing the blanket against rough surfaces, such as zippers, metal buttons, etc., to prevent pilling and hair loss.
Avoid contacting the blanket with sharp objects to prevent the surface of the blanket from being scratched or damaged.
To prevent overexposure:
Avoid exposing the blanket to sunlight for extended periods of time to prevent color fading. When choosing a place to store blankets, choose a cool and ventilated place away from direct sunlight.
Store properly:
When not in use, fold the blanket neatly and place it in a ventilated and dry place to avoid moisture and mold growth.
Avoid hanging or hanging the blanket to prevent it from losing its shape.
Choose high-quality wool:
Choose a blanket made of high-quality flannel wool, which has better quality, higher wear resistance and color fastness. Relatively speaking, the possibility of pilling and fading will be reduced.
Fold or flip regularly:
Fold or turn the blanket regularly to maintain an even thickness and shape of the fleece and avoid obvious pressure points.